Heard of Nicholas Megalis? More than 2.5m users of Twitter’s Vine app have: he’s one of the most popular accounts on the service, despite largely flying below the radar elsewhere. “I found Vine through a friend. I’m a musician, a singer, songwriter, performer and comedian, and I saw it immediately as the next thing I was going to be obsessed with,” he tells AdWeek in an interview. Megalis is currently working with several brands on the back of his Vine popularity, including Virgin Mobile and Trident Gum. “Slapping a product name on a Vine and just expecting people to buy something because you put it online. You can’t just be a brand name anymore. You gotta pay attention to people and show them love,” claims Megalis. “If you ever expect people to drink your soda or wear your shoes, you have to make something frickin’ cool that they can look at.” He’s an interesting case study: with 50k Twitter followers, 22.5k followers for his personal Facebook account and 11k YouTube subscribers, his Vine popularity isn’t (yet) translating to other social networks.

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