Our cover feature focuses on lyric sites and lyric apps – looking at how publishers are trying to herd them down a licensed pathway and monetise them wherever possible. That said, the actual experience for users is, for now, incredibly flat – but rumblings are afoot to make them more engaging and interactive which could propel the market forward even more.

In Beyond Music, we look at the rumours surrounding Apple’s possible launch of the iWatch and what this could mean for the company, possibly breaking it into a whole new consumer segment for the first time in years.

Our country profile is Turkey where the live sector is booming but the recorded side of the business is struggling to cross convincingly into digital and, because big international streaming services have only just launched there, the shift from ownership to access could still be some years away.

EarPods and phone

Tools: platforms to help you reach new audiences

Tools :: We Are Giant

With “fan communities” being on every artist’s team’s mind, we’re fans of the fact that…

Read all Tools >>

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