Musician and music-app developer Tom Vek has laid in to Apple Music’s Trent Reznor for his recent interview comments.

Or, as Vek put it in a blog post on Medium, for “some things that I have to call bullshit on”.

Vek was unimpressed with Reznor’s claim that he’s buying vinyl again (“Apple, if you want to employ someone as your digital music advocate they should be renouncing vinyl”) but it’s Reznor’s claim that he was providing a “voice at the table” for artists with his Apple role that really got his goat.

“How do I as a musician have my voice at the table? What are the extra opportunities? Where is this fertile ground? Apple Music currently is basically exactly like any other streaming service out there ie — you have no control about how your music is presented,” wrote Vek.

“I want to see more control truly back in the hands of artists, I want more artwork — tracklist art, booklet art, lyrics (If I want people to read them!), credits, thank-yous, essays, whatever artists do or don’t want to accompany their music.”

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