spotify gramercy

Music streaming services are pretty good at analysing what you listen to, and using that as the basis for new recommendations.

But in some ways this is an over-blunt tool: if you only listen to a certain genre while exercising; if you use white-noise playlists to get to sleep; if you have children making heavy use of your account… your personalised playlists can start to be a pain.

So it’s interesting to see Spotify starting to address this issue with a new feature. It will let listeners “exclude select playlists from your Taste Profile” – that being Spotify’s profile of your listening tastes.

The idea being that in the cases above, you could create playlists for your workouts / your sleep / your kids and then exclude them from being used for your recommendations.

It’s still a manual process, so how Spotify explains it to the bulk of its listeners (who don’t read its announcements blog or the Music Ally Bulletin!) will be key to encouraging usage of the new feature.

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